Themes of Estranged Parents' Forums
"I Just Want to Beat His Ass": Fantasizing About Violence Against Adult Children
Many members of estranged parents' forums fondly remember the days when they could hit their misbehaving children, and wish those days had never ended.
New slogan for GRANDPARENTS DAY"..........punch out a Estranged daughter or son and knock some sense into these vile creatures.....and yes I still love my ES that's the misfortune, but it should never be too late to discipline a child! If only in my dreams.
Wouldn't it feel good to punch EC in the face?
I'm so angry I want to slap the little shit ,good thing he is miles away from us .
I called my husband because I was crying and angry and just a zillion emotions but the most prevalent one was wanting to go and beat the living shit out of her!!!!
I am so sick of all this I just want to beat his ass.
Im so pissed and disgusted with her and truthfully dont want to see her because all i want to do is hit her and quite honestly i think i might kill her with all the anger and hurt i have.
Couldn't help but think that giving her a smack would be fun--but would play right into her "see how awful my parents are" theme. I know you aren't talking about actually smacking her--but sometimes it's hard not to daydeam about smacking them silly. It would just give them one more thing to use against us though.
Well here we are coming to another holiday!! Man would I like to punch my son in the nose!!! I remember Easters when he was little when his Dad and I hid eggs out in the yard during the night after he went to bed so he could get up and find them all outside---guess he forgets that--yes I want to slip him silly and scream---"Snap out of it" to bad I'm not built like Cher!!!
I am so angry I wish I could down to ED's home and just slap here and then turn around and leave. How dare she do this to me.
I don't think we were all beating ourselves up-we were beating our EC to a large extent!! Something we proably shoulda done alot more of when they were younger!!
I certainly have to stifle the urge to slap the shit out of all of them, but it does no good to act out on the impulse. Believe me, we all have the urge from time to time.
Entitled little monster just sums up my ED...Verruka Salt I call her......I do not have a facebook account and I know if I did access hers I would probably strangle her on sight.
Hi everyone,
I have almost gotten to HATE (I don't like that word but it fits right now) Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines Day, Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Weddings and yes, even Funerals because they are all FAMILY DAYS!! .....Our EC has not acknowledged ANY of those in years! So, I'm changing all those "family oooy gooy lovey dovey special family occasion and HOLIDAYS!
I took out my free grocery store new 2011 calendar and circled in some NEW special days that I'm going to now celebrate [....]
- Staying waaaay away from that M.....r's Day in May. Instead, I'm joining the Armed Forces on their Day. Figured I could do target practice in my backyard that know, like Sarah Palin shooting a bear? Well, guess what MY 'target" is going to be? HA! What fun! [....]
- In November I'm going hunting with Sarah P. in Alaska. We'll shoot turkeys and skeet together. Ooops! Forgot about Election Day in Nov. Guess I'll have to shoot the wild turkeys in my back yard and pretend they are you-know-who. (We really do have them in our back yard) [....]
- In December, my new favorite is going to be Boxing Day. But, that's another Canadian holiday. I don't even have to tell you what I'm going to do on THAT day! LOL. I'm off to the store to get some boxing gloves. I really need to prepare for this one in advance. Got a few muscles to build up here and there! Can't lose this round!
Ayup, out of 12 new holidays, three of them involved shooting at or beating stand-ins for her children.
One of the things that stands out—you know, in addition to the vindictiveness and the control—is that for these parents, their children never grew up. In a just world, they say, they would be able to slap and beat their children the way they did when their children were small and defenseless. And the slapping and beating would be no more than their children deserved, might even set them straight. They often joke that their children accuse them of abuse, but the problem is they didn't abuse their spoiled kids enough, like the member who said she "shoulda done alot more of when they were younger!!"
The same parents swear they weren't abusive, and certainly not physically abusive.
Honestly, I don't think most of them were physically abusive. But the control issues, the refusal to acknowledge their children's maturity and autonomy, that didn't manifest magically when their 30-something kids blocked their phone numbers.
Updated 2/12/2015
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