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Sell Essays and Term Papers Online

Let me say right up front: This might not be legal in your area. Look into the legalities before you do it, or you might find yourself in hot water for the sake of a $10 paper.

Annnnd on with the explanation.

The Internet is studded with "term paper mills" and "research companies" that will happily buy school papers from high school and college students, then resell them to their peers. (There are also plenty of essay auction sites for those of an entrepreneurial bent.) The official story is that these essays are "model papers" that the buyers will use as samples in writing their own original essays. If a few of the buyers happen to model their own essays on the sample essays word-for-word, well, that's not the term paper mill's fault.

What do essay sites buy?

Term papers, research papers, theses, dissertations, and application essays for both high school and college, on every topic imaginable, at every length imaginable. Some have a bit of elementary quality control in place, while others will take damn near anything.

How much do they pay?

They generally offer 40% to 60% of the final sale price, which can vary from $5 to more than $100 (with an average of $10 to $45), and each paper can usually be sold unlimited numbers of times. You can make a fair chunk of cash if your paper sells repeatedly. A few essay sites that specialize in hard-to-get papers (like successful admission essays) offer a flat rate of up to $65.

What should I be careful about when I sell my essays?

  • Don't associate your real name or a traceable email address with the paper.

  • Don't sell your essay immediately after the class ends—teachers know about term paper mills and search them for evidence that their students are plagiarizing. If your professor finds your paper online, s/he may decide that you plagiarized it and open up a world of hurt for you. Wait at least a couple of years—more, if you can manage it. If you need money right away and don't have any papers that are old enough to sell, write a few original papers.

  • Get cash up front if you can. Don't rely on the auction sites' honesty.

  • Make absolutely certain that selling essays is legal both in your school's state and your home state.

Downloadable Term Papers: What's a Prof. to Do? - A teacher gives an overview of the term-paper industry.

Adventures in Cheating: A guide to buying term papers online - The view of the term paper industry from the other side, and a sample of the kinds of papers essay mills will buy.

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