NameJapanese SpellingMeaningSexDateFull NameNotesSource
Abutsu阿仏F1225-1283Cross 2016
Anshū和秀MAttested in 967-969Cross 2016, Kiss 2018
Byōei平栄MAttested in 747Cross 2016, Kiss 2018
Chidatsu智達wisdom + M7th c.?Cross 2016, Kiss 2018
Chihō智鳳wisdom + M7th c.?Cross 2016
Chinkai珍海M1091-1152Cross 2016
Chiran智鸞wisdom + M7th c.?Cross 2016
Chitsū智通wisdom + M7th c.?Bauer 2011, Cross 2016
Chiyū智雄wisdom + M7th c.?Cross 2016
Chôgen重源M1121–1206Bauer 2011, Cross 2016
Chōgō澄豪M1049-1133Cross 2016
Chôken澄憲M1126–1203Cross 2016
Chūzan仲算M934–1004Cross 2016
Dōji道慈Md. 744Cross 2016
Dōshō道昭M629–700Cross 2016
Eiho永浦FAttested in 1546, 1563Cross 2016
Eison or Eizon叡尊M1201-1290“叡尊上人”Cross 2016
Ejū恵什M11th-12th c.Cross 2016
Enchin延敒MAttested in 911, 924Adolphson 2020
Enchin円珍M814-891Adolphson 2020
Engyô円行harmonious conduct/journeyM799-852Adolphson 2020
Enkyô円鏡harmonious mirrorFAttested 1304Adolphson 2020
Ennin円仁harmonious benevolenceM794–864Adolphson 2020
Ennin圓仁M794-864Adolphson 2020
Ensei圓晴M1180-1241Adolphson 2020
Enshō延性MAttested in 928Adolphson 2020
Enshō円照harmonious illuminationMAttested in 968Adolphson 2020
Enshū円宗harmonious sectM9th c.Adolphson 2020
Eun恵運M798-869Adolphson 2020
Ganjin鑑真M688–763Bauer 2011, Kiss 2018
Gankyō願暁MAttested in 845Bauer 2011
Gen’ei玄延M10th c.Bauer 2011
Genbō玄昉Md. 746A member of the Abe 阿部 clan.Bauer 2011
Gennin源仁M818-887Bauer 2011
Genshin源信M942–1017Bauer 2011
Genshō源照MAttested in 1045Bauer 2011
Genshō玄照 or 玄昭MAttested in 1045Bauer 2011
Gien義淵M?–728Bauer 2011
Gien義演M1558-1626Bauer 2011
Gikō義光MAttested in 968Bauer 2011
Gishin義真M781-833Bauer 2011
Guse救世M890–973Bauer 2011, Kiss 2018
Gyōgen行玄MAttested in 1139Bauer 2011
Gyôgû行窮M13th c.Bauer 2011, Kiss 2018
Gyōshō行聖MAttested in c. 739.Bauer 2011
Hanjun範俊M1038-1112Bauer 2011
Hanshun範俊M1038–1112Bauer 2011
Hōen法縁MAttested in 969Bauer 2011
Hōjin宝心M12th c.Bauer 2011
Hōnen法然M1133–1212Bauer 2011
Ijō一定one + reality, samadhiMAttested in 945Bauer 2011
Ingen印玄Mc. 13th c.Bauer 2011
Jien慈円mercy + harmoniousM1155–1225From the Fujiwara family.Bauer 2011
Jigen慈賢M1175-1241Bauer 2011
Jion慈恩mercy + kindness, blessingM10th c.Bauer 2011
Jitsua実阿truth, reality + Amida Buddha. -a 阿 is a short form of -amidabutsu, a title for monks (and sometimes nuns) that was used with one or both syllables of the Buddhist name.FDates unknown; mentioned in the 13th century.Bauer 2011
Jitsuun実運MBauer 2011
Jizen慈善mercy + virtueFb. 1187Bauer 2011
Jôamidabutsu成阿弥陀仏Jô 成 means “to become.” “Amidabutsu” was a title used by novice nuns and lay nuns, attached to one or both characters of their Buddhist name.FDates unknown; mentioned in the 13th century.Bauer 2011
Jōgyō常暁Md. 867Bauer 2011
Jōhan定範MAttested in 1221Bauer 2011
Jōjo定助MAttested in 947Bauer 2011
Jōkai定海M1074-1149Bauer 2011
Jôkei貞慶M1155–1213Bauer 2011
Jōken定賢MAttested in 1182, active in the second half of the 11th c.Bauer 2011, Kiss 2018
Jōnin承仁receive benevolenceM1169–1197Son of Go Shirakawa, entered the monastery at age 6.Bauer 2011
Jōshō定照M906–983Member of the Fujiwara family.Bauer 2011
Jōsū貞崇MAttested in 930Bauer 2011
Jōyū定祐MAttested in 969Bauer 2011
Junnyū淳祐M890–953Bauer 2011
Kaishū快修M1100–1165Bauer 2011
Kakugyō覚行MAttested in 1099The first monk to take the “cloistered monk” title.Bauer 2011
Kakuin覚印M12th c.Bauer 2011, Kiss 2018
Kakujin覚尋MAttested in 1075Bauer 2011
KakujōMAttested in 1236Bauer 2011
Kakukai覚快M1134–1181An ordained prince.Bauer 2011
Kanchō寛朝M916-998Deleanu 2010
Kangen観賢MAttested in 920Deleanu 2010
Kangū寛空M884-972Deleanu 2010
Kanjin寛信M1084-1153Deleanu 2010
Kanjo寛助MDeleanu 2010
Kanri観理MAttested in 960Deleanu 2010
Keihan慶範M997−1061Deleanu 2010
Ken’I or Kenni兼意M12th c.Deleanu 2010
Kenpō賢宝M1333−1398Wargula 2020
Kûkai空海emptiness +M774–835Wargula 2020
Kûnyo空如emptiness + the ultimate nature of all thingsF1176-1239?Her preordination name was Hachijôin no Takakura 八条院高倉. She was the daughter of consort Takamatsu-in 高松院 (d. 1176), granddaughter of the retired Emperor Go-Toba 後鳥羽天 皇 (1180–1239). Her father was the monk Chôken, so although she was raised as a princess, she was supposedly illegitimate.Wargula 2020
Kūshō空晴emptiness +M877-957Wargula 2020
Kûtai空諦emptiness +M?d. 1230Wargula 2020
Kyōri経理M10th-11th c.Wargula 2020
Mujaku無着lit. “not wearing clothes”F14th c.Wargula 2020
Myôe明恵M1173–1232Yusa 2019
Myōkōzen妙向禅FAttested in 1443Yusa 2019
Myōtatsu妙達Fd.c. 1232A disciple of Myōe 明恵.Kiss 2018
Myōtatsu明達M877-955Kiss 2018
Myōun明雲M1115–1183A disciple of Saiun 最雲.Kiss 2018
Niga仁賀benevolence + congratulations, joyM10th c.Kiss 2018
Nikyō仁皎benevolence + white, shiningMAttested in 957Kiss 2018
Ningyō仁教benevolence + school, disciplineM10th c.Kiss 2018
Ninshō忍性M1217–1303Kiss 2018
Nyodai如大F1221–1298Mugai Nyodai 無外 如大One of the early female Zen practitioners. She was given the dharma name “Mugai” 無外 by Mugaku Sogen 無学祖元, who took one character “Mu” 無 from his own name.Kiss 2018
Nyoin女院Fb. 1228Muromachi Nyoin 室町女院The first imperial daughter of Emperor Go-Horikawa, who became a nun at age 19.Kiss 2018
Nyomu如無the ultimate nature of all things + nonexistenceM10th c.Kiss 2018
Raiyu頼瑜M1226-1304Kiss 2018
Ryōgen良源M912-985Kiss 2018
Ryūgen隆源M1342-1426Kiss 2018
Saichō最澄M767-822Kiss 2018
Saikō西光light of the westMd. 1177His preordination name was Fujiwara no Moromitsu 藤原師光.Kiss 2018
Saikō済高M9th-10th c.Kiss 2018
Saishin済信M954-1030Kiss 2018
Saiun最雲M1104–1162The son of Emperor Horikawa 堀川 (1079–1107). Said to have been the first imperial prince to enter a monastery, which he did at age 14.Kiss 2018
Shinga真雅M801-879Kiss 2018
Shinkaku心覚M1117-1180/82Kiss 2018
Shinkō眞興M934–1004Kojima Shinkō 子島眞興Kiss 2018
Shinnyo信如F1211-?, attested in 1274Kiss 2018
Shinnyo真如Md.c. 865An imperial prince.Kiss 2018
Shinran親鸞M1173–1263duplicateKiss 2018
Shinran親鸞M1173-1262duplicateKiss 2018
Shinyo心誉M971-1029Kiss 2018
Shinzei信西M1106–1160His preordination name was Fujiwara no Michinori 藤原通憲.Kiss 2018
Shinzen真然M9th c.Kiss 2018
Shōbō聖寶holy treasureMb. 841Kiss 2018
Shōchō承澄M1205-1282Kiss 2018
Shōchū聖忠holy devotionMAttested in 1307Kiss 2018
Shōkū証空F1177-1247Kiss 2018
Shuamidabutsu修阿弥陀仏“Amidabutsu” was a title used by novice nuns and lay nuns, attached to one or both characters of their Buddhist name.F13th c.Kiss 2018
Shūei宗叡M809-884Kiss 2018
Teiki禎喜M1099-1183Kiss 2018
Ugon有嚴MAttested in c. 1236Kiss 2018
Wezen (modern reading Ezen)惠善FAttested in 584A girl named Ishime 石女, the daughter of a naturalized Korean father, who was ordained alongside Zenshin.Kiss 2018
Yakushin益信M827-906Kiss 2018
Yōgon永厳M1075-1151Kiss 2018
Zenshin善信good faith. Possibly a reference to the Good Faith Bodhisattva 善信菩薩.FAttested in 584The first Japanese person to be ordained, an 11-sai-old commoner named Shima.Kiss 2018
Zenshū善珠M723–797Kiss 2018
Zenyu禅愉MAttested in 967Kiss 2018
Zenzō禪藏FAttested in 584A girl named Toyome 豐女, the daughter of a naturalized Chinese father, who was ordained alongside Zenshin.Kiss 2018
Zōshun増俊M1084-1165Kiss 2018


Adolphson 2020: Mikael S. Adolphson, “Myōun and the Heike: Monastic Influence in Twelfth-Century Japan.” Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 47/2: 189–223

Bauer 2011: Mikaël Bauer, “Monastic Lineages and Ritual Participation: A Proposed Revision of Kuroda Toshio’s Kenmitsu Taisei.” Pacific World Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies, Third Series, No. 13, Fall 2011. pp. 45-65

Cross 2016: Julia Heather Cross, “The Hokkeji Nuns, Relic Worship, and Theft in Medieval Japan.” Japanese Religions, Vol. 43 (1 & 2): 39-67

Deleanu 2010: Florin Deleanu, “Transmission and Creation: Ordinations for Nuns in Ancient and Early Mediaeval Japan.” Journal of the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies, Vol. XIV, 2010

Kiss 2018: Mónika Kiss, “Changes in the Iconography of Fugen Enmei Bosatsu

Wargula 2020: Carolyn Wargula, Embodying the Buddha: The Presence of Women in Japanese Buddhist Hair Embroideries, 1200-1700

Yusa 2019: Michiko Yusa, “Japanese Buddhism and Women: The Lotus, Amida, and Awakening.” G. Kopf (ed.), The Dao Companion to Japanese Buddhist Philosophy, Dao Companions to Chinese Philosophy 8,