Dictionaries and Helpful Lookups

Oxford NINJAL Corpus of Old Japanese (ONCOJ)

A short list of useful Old Japanese words

Translations of waka poetry with the original text and transliteration
A huge page. Be patient and let it load.

Sources of Nara-Period Names

Tagomoro Hiroshi. “Women’s names in Ancient ‘Izumo-no-kuni’ | 古代出雲国の女性名について.” Published on 3-31-2015 in 島大言語文化 : 島根大学法文学部紀要言語文化学科編.
A remarkable list of female names drawn from 8th-century documents from Izumo Province, with a table of the kanji used phonetically rather than for meaning.

Thinking of Japanese Names | 日本の名前について考える  尽鏑社
A rich vein of research done by Soga Seiga, an amateur onomast.

Reading and Writing Old Japanese

Old Japanese is the language of the Nara period, the 8th century.

The Phonology of Old Japanese (PDF)

(Early) Old Japanese Phonology
This site refers to Nara-period Japanese as Early Old Japanese, and Heian-period Japanese as Late Old Japanese.

Miyake, Marc Hideo. Old Japanese: A Phonetic Reconstruction, 1st Edition. RoutledgeCurzon, 2013.
This is the most recent attempt at reconstructing Old Japanese.