These are names borne by non-aristocratic women in 8th-century Japan. The main source of these names is a list of people who were given rations of rice by the local ruling family because they were unable to provide for themselves — widows, the elderly, the disabled, and orphans under the age of 15 sai (13-14 years in Western counting) — so the lower end of the economic ladder is strongly represented. (But note that it was easy to fall to the bottom of the ladder if you didn’t have family to support you.)

Most of these names are drawn from “Female Names in Ancient Izumo | 古代出雲国の女性名について” by Hiroshi Tagome 田籠 博.

Phonetic spellings are the attested spellings in man’yōgana that are purely phonetic. Meaningful spellings are attested spellings whose first (and sometimes second) character is used for its meaning instead of its phonetic value in man’yōgana. For example, Ikime 生売 is written with the character for “life,” 生, plus the character for “to sell,” 売, which is pronounced me and is used phonetically to represent the character “female,” 女, which is also pronounced me.

I have restricted meaningful spellings to the first characters of a name because these are the characters that contain the unique meaning of the name. It’s not uncommon for the initial name element to be written phonetically, but for the name ending to be written with meaningful characters — for example, Pimome 比毛女, in which the ending -me 女 is written with the character for “female,” but pimo, “string,” is written phonetically. Including names with meaningfully written endings in the Meaningful Spelling column would glut the column with names whose first elements were written phonetically, forcing readers to decide for themselves whether the initial characters were meaningful or not.

Please note that this is a work in progress, so the Phonetic Spelling column may contain names that are spelled with meaningful first elements.

The Names – English Phonetic Spellings column reflects the two different pronunciations of I and E in the 8th century. (I have omitted the two pronunciations of O because they disappeared early in the century.)

NameName – English Phonetic SpellingMeaningful SpellingPhonetic Spelling
AgurimeAguriməy餘売, 余売, “too much, to be left over” + -me
AkameAkaməy赤売, “red” + -me阿加売
AkawiAkawi赤井, “red.” A very rare instance of a female name with no -me at the end.
AkomeAkoməy阿古女, “beloved antiquity”? + -me阿古女, 安古売
AnemeAneməy姉売, “older sister” + -me
AnetumeAnetuməyProbably 姉津売, “older sister” + -tume
ArameAraməy荒売, “rough”?
AtumeAtuməy阿豆売, 安都売
AyameAyaməy文女阿屋売, 阿夜売, 阿耶売
AyumeAyuməy阿由女, 阿由売
AzumeAzuməy呰売, “defect, to scold” + -me. A negative name given to ward off misfortune.
IbukasimeIbukasiməyIbukasi is an adjective.伊布賀志売
IkimeIkiməy生売, “life” + -me伊枳売
ImameImaməy今女, “now.” Unclear whether “ima” was only used for sound, since this is the only example of the character being used in a name.
ImomeImoməy妹売, “younger sister” + -me伊毛売
ImotarimeImotariməy妹足売, “younger sister” + -tarime
Inakime or InamurameInakiməy or Inamuraməy稲村女, “rice plant” + “protect” + -me
InameInaməy稲女, “rice plant” + -me伊奈売
InatarimeInatariməy稲足女, “rice plant” + -tarime
InumeInuməy犬売, “dog” + -me. Given to children born in the Year of the Dog.伊奴売
InumeInuməyA (possibly regional) variation on “Iname,” “rice.”伊尼売
IpameIpaməyProbably “stone” + -me伊波売
IpatumeIpatuməy石津 売, “stone” + -tume伊波豆売
IpimeIpiməy飯売, “cooked rice” + -me
IpinusimeIpinusiməy飯主女, “cooked rice” + “master” + -me
IpitarimeIpitariməy飯足女, “cooked rice” + -tarime
IpitumeIpituməy飯津売, “cooked rice” + -tume
IpiyorimeIpiyoriməy飯依売, “cooked rice” + “to rely on” + -me
IpoyemeIpoyeməy五百江賣, “500” + “creek” + -me
IpoyorimeIpoyoriməy五百依女, “500” + “rely on” + -me
IsimeIsiməy石女, “stone” + -me伊志売
ItameItaməyMeans 板?伊多売
ItamimeItamiməyMeans 板?伊太弥売
ItikimeItikiməyIchi does not mean “one”–this word was a late addition to Japanese.伊知伎女
ItinusimeItinusiməy市主売, “market” + “master” + -me
ItusimeItusiməyPossibly “strict” + -me伊豆志売
IyasimeIyasiməyIyasi is an adjective. Possibly “lowly, humble,” a derogatory name given to ward off misfortune.伊夜志売
KagomeKagoməy“Shade, reflection”?加胡女
KagumeKaguməy香売, “fragrant” + -me
KanameKanaməyPossibly 金 “gold” + -me加奈売
KanamimeKanamɨməy金身女, “gold, metal” + -mime
KanemeKaneməy金売, “gold, metal” + -me加尼売
KasameKasaməy笠売, “hat, esp. conical bamboo hat” + -me加佐売
KasemeKaseməyPossibly derived from the words 桛 or 綛, which are related to weaving.香世売
KatamimeKatamiməy形見女, 方見売, 加多弥女
KatanameKatanaməyProbably “knife” + -me形名 売, 加多奈売, 加田奈売
Katome, KadomeKatoməy, KadoməyPossibly kado, “gate”加刀売
KatumeKatuməy勝売, “victory” + -me
KawameKawaməy川 “river”加和売
KetumeKetuməy気津売, 気豆売
KinumeKinuməy衣売, “clothing” + -me伎怒売, 支奴売
KomameKomaməy駒売, “foal” + -me古麻売
KomameKomaməyPossibly means 高麗 “lion dog statue” or 狛, a short version of the same word.木間売
KomeKoməy子売, “child” + -me古女, 故売
KomimeKomiməyPossibly should be read as Kimime.木見女
KopimeKopiməy子日女, “child” + “sun” + -me古比売
KosakameKosakaməyProbably the diminutive of Sakame.
KotopimeKotopiməyKotopi is “bull,” but this may be koto + pi.事比売
KotumeKotuməy子津女, “child” + -tume古津売, 古都売, 古豆売
KoyorimeKoyoriməyPossibly means 子依売, “little Yorime.”枯依女, 古与理売
KumitemeKumiteməy組手売, “weaving” + -teme
KupasimeKupasiməy“beautiful, exquisite” + -me久波志女, 久波志売
KuromeKuroməy黒売, “black” + -me
KusitemeKusiteməy櫛手売, “comb” + -tarime
KusurimeKusuriməy薬売, “medicine” + -me久須利売
MakimeMakiməy牧売, “to herd” + -me
MamusimeMamusiməy真虫売, possibly a name with magical implications that means “viper 蝮.”
ManameManaməy真名売, 麻奈売
MaromeMaroməy-maro + -me
MasameMasaməy当女, “right, correct, appropriate” + -me麻佐売, 真桜売
MasatumeMasatuməy当津売, “right, correct, appropriate” + -tume当佐都売
MasomeMasoməyPossibly means “真麻.”真蘓女, 真衣女, 真衣売
MasumeMasuməy麻須売, 真須売
MatamameMatamaməy目玉賣, “eye” + “jewel” + -me
MatodimeMatodiməy真刀自女, 麻刀自売
MatomeMatoməy麻刀貿 (check kanji)
MegomeMəygoməy女子女, “female + child” + -me売胡売, 女古女, 売子売
MepimeMəypiməy姪売, “niece” + -me売斐売, 売斐売
MetarimeMəytariməy女足女, “female” + -tari + -me売足売
MetodimeMəytodiməy女刀自女, “female 女” + “woman 刀自” + -me
MetumeMəytuməy(different name)売豆売, 女津売, 咩豆売
Metumeməytuməy米豆売, 目津女 (different name), + -tume
Mibume, Samubume?Mibuməy, Samubuməy?三部売
MidorimeMidoriməyIn Old Japanese, “midori 緑” meant “new bud” or “young bud.” In some family registers of the period, children under 3 sai old were referred to as “midoriko 緑児” (boys) and “midorime 緑女” (girls).美杼利売
MikotomeMikotoməy御事女. Mikoto 御事 is literally “honorable words; order, instruction,” and can also mean “highness, honorable” in names and titles.
MimeMɨməy“Snake 巳” + -me, a name given to children born in the Year of the Snake.味売, 身女
MinameMinaməy美奈売, 弥奈売
MitumeMɨtuməy味豆売, 身津売, 弥都売, 巳都売, 未豆売, 身豆売
MiyameMiyaməy宮売, “palace” + -me弥移売, 弥屋売
MomeMoməy毛女, 母売
MorimeMoriməy母里売, 毛理売
MoromeMoroməy諸売. “Many, various, all of” + -me毛呂女, 母呂売
MorotemeMoroteməy諸手女, “many, various, all of” + -te + -me
MusimeMusiməy虫売. Musi 虫 (modern mushi) could mean “snake” as well as its modern meaning of “insect.”
MusinameMusinaməy虫奈売, 虫名売牟志奈女, 牟志名売
MusitamameMusitamaməy虫玉売, “insect ball” + -me, probably a reference to silkworm cocoons.
Naguyame or NagoyameNaguyaməy or Nagoyaməy奈具夜売, 奈吾夜売, 奈久矢女, 奈吾夜売
NakimeNakiməy鳴売, “a cry, to cry” + -me奈枳売
NanimomeNanimoməy難毛売, 奈尓毛売, 奈尓母売
NapomeNapoməy猶売, “gentle” + -me奈保売
NarameNaraməy楢売, “oak” + -me奈良売
Narapime, NarabimeNarapiməy, Narabiməy奈良比売
NatukasimeNatukasiməy“Feeling strong affection for” + -me奈豆加志売
NatumeNatuməy“Summer” + -me奈豆売
NatumimeNatumiməyPossibly “summer” + -mime名積売
NemeNeməy“Rat,” a name given to children born in the Year of the Rat.尼売, 泥売, 根売
NetumeNetuməy“Rat” + -tume. A name given to children born in the Year of the Rat.祢都売, 祢津売, 泥豆売, 根都売
NikitemeNikiteməyNiki means 和 or 柔, and “nikite” refers to currency (幣) or cloth.尓支弖売
NipameNipaməy庭売, “garden” + -me
NipatumeNipatuməy庭津売, “garden” + -tume
NodosimeNodosiməyThe root of “nodosi” is probably 長, “long.”能登志女
OpimeOpiməy“Nephew” + -me. There is a tradition of naming girls with male relationship names [insert older brother, etc. here], so this might literally mean “nephew.” However, there’s also some indication that in this period, the words for “niece” and “nephew” were not as gendered as they are today.意比売, 意斐売
OpomeOpoməy大売, “big” + -me
OpopemeOpopeməy大羽売, “large wings”
OposimameOposimaməy大嶋女, ‘large island”
OsumeOsuməy忍売, “patience, endurance” + -me
OsutarimeOsutariməy忍足売, “patience, perseverance” + -tarime
OtoanemeOtoaneməy弟姉女, 乙姉売, “younger brother + older sister”
OtomeOtoməy弟女, “younger brother” + -me意止売, 意等売
OtonarimeOtonariməy弟成売, “become a younger brother” + me
OtotozimeOtotoziməyProbably means “弟刀自売.”乙刀自売
OyomeOyoməy老売, “old” + -me. Expresses a desire for longevity.乎与賣
PatamePataməy織女, “weaver” + -me波太売
PikomePikoməy孫女, “grandchild” + -me比古売
PimePiməy日売, “sun” + -me. “Sun” was a reference to the imperial family.比売
PimemePiməyməy姫売, “highborn woman” + -me
PimetarimePiməytariməy日女足女, “highborn woman” + -tari + -me
PimetumePiməytuməy“Highborn woman” + -tume比女豆女
PimomePimoməy紐売, “string” + -me比毛女
PimotumePimotuməy紐津売, “string” + -tume
PiromePiroməy広売, “broad, wide, spacious”比呂売
PirotamePirotaməy広田売, “broad, wise, spacious” + “field” + -me. Ta 田 could also be used phonetically for the common name ending -ta.
PirotarimePirotariməy広足女, “broad, wide, spacious” + -tari + -me
PirotumePirotuməy広津売, 広都売, “broad, wide, spacious” + -tume
PisaramePisaraməy日更売 This is the only known name with the element 更 (sara).
PisatumePisatuməy久津売, “long time” + -tume比佐豆女, 比佐豆売
PisimamePisimaməy日嶋女, “sun” + “island” + -me
PituzimePituziməy羊女, 羊売, “sheep” + -me. Given to children born in the Year of the Sheep.比都自売
PomePoməyMay mean “ear 穂”.冨売
PosomePosoməy細売, “thin, narrow, fine” + -me冨曽売
PotarimePotariməy冨足女, “abundance, wealth” + -tarime
RemeReməy礼売, “manners” + -me
RetemeReteməy礼手女, “manners” + -teme
SakameSakaməyProbably 酒売, “rice wine” + -me坂売, 佐加売, 逆売, 逆女
SakamimeSakamiməy酒見売, “rice wine” + -mime
SakatarimeSakatariməy酒足女, 酒足売, “rice wine” + -tarime
SakatumeSakatuməy酒津売, “rice wine” + -tume酒都売
SarumeSaruməy猴売, “monkey.” Given to girls born in the Year of the Monkey.佐流売, 佐留売
SikesimeSikəysiməySikesi is an adjective. Possibly “overgrown, abundant”?志祁志売
SikomeSikoməyPossibly 醜 “ugly” + -me志去売
SimameSimaməy嶋売, “island” + -me志麻売
SimamimeSimamɨməy嶋身売, 嶋弥売
SimatarimeSimatariməy嶋足女, “island” + -tari + -me嶋垂売
SipimeSipiməy椎女, “chestnut tree” + -me
SipitumeSipituməy椎津女, “chestnut tree” + -tume
SitumeSituməy志津女, “chestnut tree” + -tume志津女, 志都売, 志豆売
SitumimeSitumiməy漆美売, possibly “lacquer” + “beautiful” + -me志津弥売
SodemeSodeməy袖売, “sleeve” + -me蘓提売, 蘓手売, 蘓代売
SukarumeSukaruməyPossibly a reference to sukaru, a slim-waisted insect.須杲礼女
SukotameSukotaməy須古多売, 須古太売, 宿古大売
SukutameSukutaməy宿太売 The exact pronunciation of the first character is unknown.宿太 売
TakarameTakaraməy財売, “treasure” + -me竹良売, 多加良売
TamameTamaməy玉女, 玉売, “jewel” + -me多麻売
TamamimeTamamɨməy玉身売, “jewel” + -mime
TamamorimeTamamoriməy玉守売, “jewel” + “protect” + -me
TamatarimeTamatariməy玉足売, “jewel” + -tarime
TamatumeTamatuməy玉津売, “jewel” + -tume
TamayorimeTamayoriməy玉依売, “jewel” + “to rely on” + -me
TameTaməy多売, 田売
TamotimeTamotiməy田特女, 手持売
TapemeTapeməy妙女, “cloth, esp. cloth made from the bark of the mulberry tree” + -me多閇売
TarimeTariməy多利売, 多理売
TasimameTasimaməy手嶋売, 多志麻売
TatibanameTatibanaməy“Mandarin orange” + -me
TatumeTatuməy“Dragon 龍” + -me. Given to girls born in the Year of the Dragon.立売, 多都売, 多津売
TikameTikaməy近女, “close, nearby” + -me
TikatumeTikatuməy近津女, “near” + -tume
TimeTiməy知売, 千売
ToimeToiməy等伊売, 止伊売
TokomeTokoməyPossibly 常, “constant” + -me得売, 床売, 止己売, 徳売
TokomimeTokomɨməyPossibly 常 “constant” + -mime床身売
TokozimeTokoziməy得自女, 得尓売
TomeToməy刀女, 刀売
TomomeTomoməy伴売, 友売, “companion” + -me
TomotarimeTomotariməy友足女, “companion” + -tarime
TorameToraməy“Tiger,” a name given to girls born in the Year of the Tiger.刀良売
TorimeToriməy鳥売, “bird,” a name given to children born in the Year of the Rooster.把売
Tosime, TosemeTosiməy, Toseməy歳売, “year”止志売
ToyomeToyoməy豊売, “abundant” + -me登与女, 止与売
TozimeToziməy刀自売, 刀自賣
TuburameTuburaməy“Tubura” refers to a round object, so the name may be meant as a wish for healthy growth.都夫良売, 都布良売, 豆布良売
TumuzimeTumuziməy“Ox,” a name given to girls born in the Year of the Ox.丑牟自売, 都牟児売, 都牟自売, 都牟志売
TuturameTuturaməyPossibly a variant of “tsuzura,” a vine that symbolizes longevity.都々良売
UmameUmaməy馬売, “horse.” Given to children born in the Year of the Horse.
UmamimeUmamɨməy馬身女, “horse” + -mime
UmatumeUmatuməy馬津売, “horse” + -tume. Probably indicated that the berarer was born in the Year of the Horse.
UnameUnaməy“Rabbit” + -me. Given to children born in the Year of the Rabbit.宇奈売
UrameUraməy浦売, “bay” + -me宇良売
UramimeUramɨməy浦身売, “bay” + -mime
UresimeUresiməy“Happy” + -me宇礼志売
UsimeUsiməy牛売, “cow, ox,” given to children born in the Year of the Ox.
Wagimome, AgimomeWagimoməy, Agimoməy我妹売和岐毛売, 和伎毛売
WakakomeWakakoməy若子売, “young” + “child” + -me
WakameWakaməy若売, “young” + -me和加売
WakatumeWakatuməy若津売, “young” + -tume
WawarameWawaraməy和和良売, “harmonious” + “harmonious” + “good” + -me和和良売
WidemeWideməy猪手売, “boar” + -te + -me. Given to children born in the Year of the Boar.
WidemeWideməy井手女, “well” + -te + -me
WimeWiməy猪女, “boar” + -me. Given to children born in the Year of the Boar.
WinameWinaməy猪奈売, 猪名売, “boar” + ?? + -me
WitemeWiteməy猪手賣, “boar” + -teme, a name given to girls born in the Year of the Boar.
WodemeWodeməy少提売, 乎提売
WokanemeWokaneməy小金売, “small” + “gold” + -me
WomasameWomasaməy小当売, the diminutive of Masame
WomeWoməy小売, “small” + -me乎売, 尾売
WomimeWomɨməy小身売袁味女, 袁身女
WosameWosaməy長売, “long” + -me
WotameWotaməyPossibly “small” + 多売 (“many” + -me) or 田売 (“field” + -me)悪多売, 乎太売, 小多売, 小田売
YakanarimeYakanariməy家成売, “house, home” + “to become” + -me
YakatumeYakatuməy宅津売, “house, home” + -tume
YasimameYasimaməy八嶋女, “eight” + “island” + -me
YasumeYasuməy安女, “peaceful, safe” + -me屋須売
YemeYeməy兄売, “older brother” + -me
YodomeYodoməy与杼女, 与止売
YorimeYoriməy依売, “rely on?”与理売, 与利売
YorosimeYorosiməy“Good, fitting, suitable” + -me与呂志女
Yorozume or YorodumeYorozuməy or Yoroduməy万売, “ten thousand” + -me与呂豆売
YosimeYosiməy吉売, “good” + -me与志売
YosimeYosiməy善売, “virtue” + -me
YosopumeYosopuməyPossibly means “dress up 装.”与曽布売, 与曽甫売
YowatumeYowatuməy弱津売, “weak” + -tume. A derogatory name used to ward off misfortune.
YumeYuməy結売, “tie, fasten” + -me