Video? Maybe? Maybe Video?
I located videos of a parent who’s anonymizable, downloaded the video editing programs Reddit recommended, and got an external hard drive to handle massive video files. I spent the morning downloading videos. I even tried recording commentary. There are just two hitches:
- It’s mighty hard to be analytic when you sound like you want to slap the person you’re analyzing.
- What do you put on the screen?
For many of the videos, only the audio is usable, either to protect the parent’s privacy or because the current visual is, say, their social worker’s full name, address, and phone number. What goes on the screen instead? Despite watching a staggering amount of YouTube daily, I have no idea. I’m not visual enough to remember what other videos do. And putting my own face onscreen isn’t an option, because I like my privacy.
So, O friends of the intarwebs, what do you recommend?
Can’t help with the wanting to slap people part, but YouTube movie/TV critics have a couple of ways to get around images Movie Bob pixelates the images as he talks over them see 1:11 Mega reacts puts a BIG picture (of himself, but you could use a design or sign you create) over the content see here at 2:38 (in this video he later lets you see the video, but you could keep the whatever up through the whole thing. Then there’s the put up a splash screen and just run the audio mode as in
I would show a blank screen or pretty design whenever private info appears . Note, I have no idea the mechanics of any of these techniques, but I’m sure someone could help you out.
Thanks! That’s very helpful.
What’s wrong with this one?! Just add some incoherent screaming, screeching, hissing and slapping sounds. It’s a perfect EP/CPS pix. They have the same disposition as well but are much better parents than the fools we had. The mothers know when to launch their kittens and then get the hell outta the way.
Some are even kept in zoos. Oh well, one can dream.
Issendai, if you never add another post it’d be fine. You’ve produced outstanding content here and are widely cited and respected by sane people in cyberspace and IRL. Thank you for all your work. It’s so good to hear from you!
I truly hope this is ok here.
I have followed this content for, well, years. I m pretty sure I have read, re-read, re-re-read every single post.
In the really bad times, sometimes, 10 times a day. Even the especially crazy ones, sometimes especially the crazy ones. They remind me that it really did happen, and that I didn’t have to go along with all the awfulness and ask happily for more.
They remind me when I start to let my guard down that the monsters still exist.
Mine, mine are all gone now. I spent 9 solid months 24/7 with the last, but with much of what I learned from all you posted here I was able to make peace with her long before she passed away last week. While very hard because of her condition, much of what I learned from everything you posted here, and the others who added their own thoughts, opinions, experiences and insights helped me, helped her and I, have what precious time remained be some of the best of my life.
I cannot express how deep my gratitude is for everything you have assembled here, and those who contributed. It is an enduring, real monument to the insanity that can happen, the sanity that can be gained, the loss.
And the recovery. We survived. We are still here.
I wish I were a smarter person, my words would be better, so I leave it simply as thank you.
I’m recovering.
I survived.
I’m still here.
Pretty sure its because of all of this.
*Tundra Woman,
So much credit is due to you. So much of your insights and observations were the emotional equivalent to being grabbed by the shirt collars and shaken by a British nanny until one comes to ones senses.
You taught me to stand up to the monsters. That in the dark corner of the closet they hide in conceals a small minded, sad and often scared and angry creature that can only huff, and puff, and blow their own lives down. You taught me that if I call the monsters out by their names, they turn into regular a**holes.
My thanks to you runs equally as deep, and in some ways even more so.
I read your the absolute most. I always needed that strength, and I thank you so very much for it.
Thank you for allowing my piece if you do.
May we all find the peace we so desperately deserve, and may you each have a double helping. You earned it.
Sorry for taking a while to reply to you… You left me at a loss for words. I’m so glad my writing helped you. And I’m glad you were able to make peace with the monster in your life and to have some good time with her. That’s a gift so few people get, and so few people have–because the ability to make peace like that comes from the strength YOU bring to the table.
Wow. Thank you so much for such a lovely compliment! I’m so glad you made it through. I bet you feel such a relief they’re really, finally dead. It seems they morph into the wrinkled poster child parading around with a sandwich board that says, “Only The Good Die Young. That’s Why I’m Still Here.”
You’re right. The words I write here are exactly what I wish someone had said to young me 40+ yrs. ago when I NC’d, “Pay Attention. This is important.” I’m just horrified when I come across people in their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and even ‘70’s and they’re so exhausted by these parasites they can’t see any way out.
We only get to dance through this garden one time. Only you can make your life meaningful, live comfortably with your unapologetic Truth and it sounds like that’s exactly what you’re doing. Congratulations! Again many thanks and best wishes!