Good god.

Buffy and Mac do not approve of your ridiculous litterbox issues.
Buffy and Mac do not approve of your ridiculous litterbox issues.

One of those WTF moments I must share. On a board about step-parenting, someone complained that their 15-year-old stepdaughter never flushed the toilet after she took a dump, regardless of how often the stepparent reminded her. It sounded like the kind of molehill that people turn into a mountain because the relationship has so much free-floating AAAUGH in it that it’s almost a relief to have something specific to focus on. Some commenters gave reasonable advice, or funny-but-workable advice like embarrassing the daughter when her friends were over by telling her, “I see you didn’t flush again. Somebody needs to eat more fiber!”

And then there was this gem:

First time: Talk privately about appropriate behavior (sounds like you are long past this stage)

Next: Talk with entire family

Next: Public humiliation – keep escalating until it works if not:

Next: Dispose of poop on her bed

Next: Dispose of poop on her pillow

Next: Dispose of poop on her pillow while she is sleeping

Next: Kick her sorry ass out of your home permanently. Nobody should have to live with shit. Because if it were me the next step would be to cram that shit down her throat and one must stop before that.

Do take pictures as evidence. Save them to humiliate and embarrass her the rest of her life as she will likely remain a total ahole forever.

There were no responses. I like to think the other members are just ignoring the asshole who proposes throwing out a 15-year-old for not flushing the toilet, but after my time in the trenches of estranged parents’ forums, the assumption doesn’t come naturally.


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