The slow build: Getting details one drip at a time

Just came across this poster on an estranged parents’ forum and had to share.

This is her first post, from March 2018:

Its been over 8 months since my youngest son decided to tell me how worthless I am, spineless, weak and that my husband and I are idiots to live out in the country on a farm. This is all cleaned up since his tirade was extremely obscene. [….] Worst of all, as much as the other members of family think what he did was awful. No one will stand up to him and tell him. My mom and sister are traveling down to see him…some 1500 miles. Everyone will get together, my mom, sister, older son, his wife and my grandson, but I am not invited and they will be about a 2 hour ride from my house…….having trouble dealing with this

She posted a couple more times, repeating the same basic details. Then, this September, she talks about how her oldest son has started to pull away from her as well. In the middle of talking about her oldest son she drops a detail about the estrangement from her younger son:

Now [my oldest son says] we are violent ( because the day of the estrangement as my es was in my face, I reached up and slapped him before going in the house)


and my oldest son will not allow my husband to see his grandson or attend grandparents day at his school. The baby shower for my next grandbaby is the weekend. Waiting for the call telling me not to attend and not sure if I even want to go

Now that is the issue. Mind you my ES at the time he did all this was 27. But that is all anyone focuses on…..You hit ES. Always what we “did” to him. Not one person in my family stood up for us…NOT ONE PERSON!!!!

The other forum members tactfully sidestepped the matter of the slap, apart from one member who applauded it.

From another post in October:

This all stems from when by youngest estranged himself from us in a vile, putrid rant. Telling me I was worthless, spineless and he wouldn’t name a dog after me among profanity laden, we ruined his life crap – inches from my face with spit flying everywhere… I smacked him several times. Now, that was 2 years ago and now we are violent people, condone hitting children (ES is 29). My boys were rarely hit, very, very rarely. But I was not going to let this ungrateful entitled kid that I did everything I could for berate me like that.

The estrangement was because her son loosed an obscene tirade at her. Wait, the estrangement was because she slapped him after the tirade. Wait, it was because she slapped him several times after the tirade.

The good news is that her extended family is circling the wagons. Everyone except her and her husband agree that she and her husband are the problem, the younger son replies to every one of her contacts with more “vile words”–very effective, since it took her two years to recover from the initial tirade alone–and her older son and daughter-in-law are at the stage where they allow supervised visits but aren’t happy about it.

(Note: Don’t do this. Your parents will accuse you of manipulating them and using your kids as weapons if you permit visits, and they’ll accuse you of manipulating them and using your kids as weapons if you don’t permit visits. So don’t permit visits.)

Meanwhile, the forum members are making her feel better. Not giving her advice that would reconcile her with her kids, not offering her insight, but definitely making her feel better. I used to wonder how much better things would be if the forum members offered real insight and didn’t feed each others’ worst impulses, but after seeing well-meaning forum members try to do just that, I’ve realized that it’s impossible. Suggesting that the member maybe shouldn’t have hit her grown son several times in the face would cause her to melt down.

And, well, if she were capable of thoughts like, “Maybe everyone sides with my son because I hit him several times in the face,” she wouldn’t be there.


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