This post is not about the hot paladin in the featured image

My Baldur’s Gate 3 character is amused at your bullshit.

This post might not be up for long, but I’m more than slightly boggled and I have to share. DO NOT REPLY TO THE VIDEO. DO NOT CONTACT THIS WOMAN. She has enough BS to deal with without our BS.

Daisy lost custody of her children five years ago. Her two sons live with her mother, and her daughter, who was 2 at the time of removal, lives with an adoptive family. Daisy’s mother has had a restraining order against Daisy for quite a while, but it ended a couple of weeks ago, and since then Daisy has talked about how she’s going to see her kids no matter what. Her mother has told Daisy she won’t allow it until Daisy does intensive psychiatric treatment, and until Daisy stops posting about the situation online. For a couple of weeks Daisy had many of her videos set to private, but today she made them all public because… well, she’ll tell you about it in the video.

I need a reality check about what’s going on here. And I kind of need validation, because the comments in Daisy’s livestreams always make me feel like I’m in opposite land.

Feel free to fast forward through sections. A lot of the video is Daisy doing her daily “activism”/public performance.


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