A very desperately lonely place

In a discussion of an estranged parents’ thread, a user named fusionconfusion said something so insightful and beautifully put that I had to share it:

It strikes me it must be a very desperately lonely place, to be so cut off from having perspective on your own actions that you can’t understand why a child is not making contact because you can’t look at the reality of your treatment of them. To view your child’s anger as evidence they have no love in their lives, but your anger as justified and coming from a place of love. To view your hurt as real and arising in the relationship between you and theirs as entitled as arising from cultural expectations that have nothing to do with your relationship. To view their pain as irrelevant to anything you have done or failed to do, but your pain as a product of their abuse of you. To view your “rights” as important and obvious, but the very idea they have “rights” as some weird product of a fucked up society. To believe you have rebuilt your life to have healthier relationships without them, but this couldn’t be possibly true for them if you are not in their lives.


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